Areni Wine Festival

This festival features local wine and cheese producers, as well as songs, dances, competitions, and performances from local residents and professional ensembles.
When we talk about modern Armenian winemaking, we immediately think of Areni village in Vayots Dzor marz. The history of wine production in this area, which has the most favorable conditions for growing grapes, dates back to ancient times. According to the researchers, wine production was a part of ritual worship here.Even today, winemaking continues to be one of the main occupations of Areni community. Almost everyone in the village has created all the facilities for viticulture and wine production in his house and in his garden. The inhabitants used the aboriginal variety "Malahi" grape as raw material for wine, which was renamed after the place "Areni" in the course of time.Through the festival, the winemakers of the community had regular customers not only from Armenia, but also from abroad. The event brought together domestic and production winemakers, presenting a real holiday to the residents and visitors of Areni.
Location: Areni village, Vayots Dzor Province
Date: October 4